The 6th Multinational Energy and Value Conference May 18-20, 2017, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus

  • The 6th Multinational Energy and Value Conference May 18-20, 2017, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus

  • Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus

The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and practitioners from all over the world to focus on timely energy finance and investments, financial performance, energy markets and valuation issues in the energy sector. Papers dealing with developed as well as developing countries are welcome. Specific topics must refer to energy issues and include, but are not limited to:

Financial Regulation; Financial Markets; Financial Risks; Asset Pricing; Value at Risk; Capital Structure; Sourcing Capital; Corporate (Re-) Structuring; Corporate Governance; Behavioural Finance; Financial Performance; Cost Control; Financial Accounting; Fiscal and Legal Issues.

The first day of the conference includes practitioner presentations on topics such as; energy strategy, regulation, law and energy security. Senior business and government leaders from different countries share energy-related business opportunities in their markets.

Please submit your papers (completed or nearly completed) or participation interest via e-mail to:, Dr. Kazım Barış Atıcı or e-mail to:, Dr. Yılmaz Yıldız, by 15 January 2017. Authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their papers after reviewing. Final acceptance of full papers will be notified by 30 January 2017.

The title page should include the affiliation, address, phone, and e-mail of each author together with the appropriate JEL classifications. Each participant agrees to serve as a discussant of a paper of his/her own area of interest, if needed.

Papers selected for this conference may be submitted for possible publication in a CEVI book, dedicated to this conference by Springer Verlag. All submitted papers will be subject to a blind peer review process. Further information regarding conference organisation and accommodation, travel arrangements, fees and activities will be published on the conference website in due course. For any inquiry regarding the submission process and registration at the Conference please contact e-mail at:, Dr. Kazım Barış Atıcı

About Cevi

The main objective of the CEVI is creating knowledge accumulation on energy and value issues through establishing organisation of lectures for scholars and practitioners, providing cooperation with different institutions on the national and international level. Specifically, CEVI is aimed at the cultivation of the closely interconnected fields of energy and value including their relations to the disciplines of economics, finance, managenent and law through providing relevant conditions for a intensive dialogue in the field of energy among practitioners, financial experts, economists and scientists leading to advanced research projects.