Goals, Mission and Vision of CEVI
CEVI aims to create knowledge accumulation on energy and value issues through establishing organisation of lectures for scholars and practitioners, providing cooperation with different institutions on the national and international level.
CEVI cultivates the closely interconnected fields of energy and value including their relations to the disciplines of economics, finance, management, technology and law through providing relevant conditions for an intensive dialogue in the field of energy amongst practitioners, financial experts, economists and academic leading to advanced knowledge and capability development.
CEVI is designed to especially undertake mono-disciplinary research into the energy and value issues that has real-world policy relevance without compromising academic rigour.
Consequently the mission of CEVI is stated as;
"Having the role of an important expert institution in the field of energy and value"
In accord with this mission the vision of CEVI is stated as;
"Basing on its academic activities becoming an appreciated partner of the industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations dealing with energy and value issues"
In order to serve these goals, a mono-disciplinary Center for Energy and Value Issues (CEVI) is officially registrated as a foundation (Stichting) in the Netherlands in February 2010, number of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce is 34381087.
Energy and Value Issues
Hardly any other industrial sector is currently as much on the move as the energy sector. Growth and liberalization developments in the European and global energy market give rise to huge shifts in interests and business dynamics. Security of supply, price increases and a restructuring of international relations are the core examples of such developments. These changes create an urgent need for new knowledge and new skills.
An important aspect of the business that becomes more challenging as a result of these dynamics is energy company, products and markets valuation. As these issues are effectively bound to developments within the energy sector, newly introduced risks, legislation and technology influence their value. Thus, it becomes more and more and imperative to recognize these dynamics and the challenges they pose.
Members of CEVI
The founding fathers of CEVI are Hacettepe University, Ankara Turkey, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam The Netherlands and Curtin University, Perth Australia. CEVI will also be partner with the University of Groningen. Sponsorship will be provided by the founding universities, corporate firms and regulatory bodies. Members of the CEVI is designed to be comprised by private scientists, private practioners. The board of CEVI is established by the following members:
Board of Directors
- President: Wim Westerman, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- President-Elect: James Thewissen, UCLouvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
- Vice-president and secretary: Wietze Lise, independent energy markets researcher, Ankara, Turkey
- Secretary/Treasurer: Özgür Arslan-Ayaydin, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
- Vice-Treasurer: Özgür Arslan, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
- Managing Director: Kazim Baris Atici, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Board of Trustees
- Member: André Dorsman, CFO Poci Plus BV, The Netherlands
- Member: Mehmet Baha Karan, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Interest Groups of CEVI
The following are interest groups to whom a positive externality is to be reflected;
- Accountancy and consultancy firms with an interest in energy companies
- Investors and traders in the energy business
- Management and controllers of energy companies
- Legal and fiscal consultants with an interest in the energy business
- Academia in the fields of economics, finance, management and law
Activities of CEVI
In order to achieve the stated objectives CEVI will be holding the following activities;
- Fuelling pioneering research
- Organizing research conferences
- Stimulating scientific research
- Publishing a book series
- Bringing scientists and practitioners together
- Organizing practitioners conferences
- Having joint specific workshops
- Publishing a semi-annual newsletter
- Transmission of knowledge and experience
- Organizing seminars for practitioners
- Developing masters programmes
- Writing-up path-breaking cases
CEVI has a bi-annual e-journal, called Energy Value Issues (EVL). Membership is free.
CEVI Books
CEVI is also publishing an electronic journal called "Energy and Value Letter". It serves as a communication channel within CEVI and it deals with energy and value issues. The papers published are peer-reviewed. The editorial board of the books consists of various constellations of board members of CEVI.
In cooperation with Springer Verlag CEVI publishes a series of books on Energy.
Energy Schools
CEVI has organized several energy schools for employees working in the energy area, cooperation with Amsterdam Power Exchange, TenneT and Turkish Electricity Transmission Company in Istanbul and Ankara. Energy schools aim to provide a practical understanding of the behavior of energy markets and the risk management implications of physical and financial markets.